If you are a healthcare, dental, or veterinary professional, you know your business is not ordinary. Your regulatory requirements are different, and you serve clients who require top-level confidentiality. If you start an independent practice, you take more steps than starting a business that does not require professional licenses.
Our professional practice attorneys represent diverse clients, including newly licensed professionals, independent practitioners, and group or facility-based practitioners. People turn to us for assistance with legal compliance, employment agreements, practice development, purchase or sale of a professional practice.
We know that these services are not just about your bottom line but also preserving your license status. Mere inconveniences for other businesses could prove catastrophic for licensed professionals. Our expertise proves vital if you are an individual provider, facility, quasi-governmental authority, or professional association.
Contact our professional practices section today to see how we can help you with your legal needs, including:
Assuming you can maintain a financially solvent practice, know that all compliance requirements are on you. If you worked for an employer, they likely kept your license updated and maintained your professional liability insurance. Those items are now on your plate if you decide to become independent.
Besides maintaining your license and professional liability insurance, you need to consider your business entity formation and insurance. If you hire employees, you will need contracts and benefit packages. In some professions, you likely face higher scrutiny for how you run your business and handle employees. Our attorneys can help you manage these challenges.
Read over the notice carefully before you panic. If the notice indicates a minor offense, you may be able to resolve it easily, e.g., pay past due licensing fees. However, if the notice is conduct or regulatory-related, immediately contact a professional practice attorney. You do not want to answer for conduct or regulatory violations without legal advice.
First, your professional liability carrier likely will send you a notice of the claim. Review the claim elements and see if they line up with your recollection. Even if claim allegations are true, you still want to hire an attorney who will help you dispute the claim or settle it fairly.
Second, if a client files an insurance claim, they may also file a complaint with your licensing board. Keep in mind the board may not find any grounds to pursue you, but be prepared to answer allegations if that occurs. Your legal counsel is able to help navigate these administrative complaints.
Disclaimer: Any information contained on this Website is not legal advice and should not be treated as such. Any information on this Website should be used solely as a guide and does not replace the advice of a licensed attorney. You should always contact an attorney for help with your specific legal needs and issues. Depending on your jurisdiction, you may have to take additional actions to be in compliance with the law. Any use of the policies contained in this Website is at your own risk. Any communication between you and us is not subject to attorney-client privilege.
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